Thursday, January 04, 2007

Calling to the sunrise

This 15x21 acrylic on chipboard was inspired by the old tales of women calling the dawn. I wrote a verse, such as it is, I do not really consider myself a poet, but I'm Irish so it's in the blood. Down along the bottom of the painting, flowing within the design it reads:
Dancing among the trunks of trees, she welcomes dawn's first light;
calling to the misty breeze, beckoning the birds to flight.
Her tresses auburn glimmering gold, voice both sweet and strong;
forever is her name untold, heard only on the morning bird's song.
The myths of calling the dawn are there for anyone who cares to seek them out. It is said that without a call the dawn may not come, so one can only assume that if this is true some where out there there are still callers of the sunrise, and if it is so, thank you to all of them.

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