Monday, May 25, 2009

it's all in the details

Light reflecting off the hand holding the 'painting' even some reflections on the staples and texture on the painted 'canvas edge' are added. Then the fence posts addressed, by begining to define them with shadows on the edges of the posts. rocks and other sand detail is painted in.
The potters hands are detailed and more texture is given to the surrounding sand. Each tine a layer of paint is added the depth is built up with the combination of tone and tint.
Now for the lighthouse and the hand holding it. While I wanted the hans doing the creating to look more ghostly, when comparing them to the one holding the painting, I wanted to add some warmth. The house itself needed to be defined by adding shadow under roof and porch. The tower gets darker edges blended in to create a round look.
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adding details

The rest of the painting is done! I know it took longer than thought, but I have been crazy busy and not feeling my best. So with out more excuses - These may look the same but now it's all in the details. The top shows some color added to the hands added depth by putting down some darker shadows. More details in the water and sand and overall touches of tone to create shadow.
In the bottom I detailed the boats, paintbrush and the lighthouse before placing highlights on the hands. I know what your thinking, I shadowed them only to lighten them up? - well, yes. This is what creates depth and interest.
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